Lately we have been having problems with our dryer. It wouldn't blow hot air.
We tried many diffrent things, but none of them worked. Including getting the wasps nest out of the vent.
So, we got a new dryer tube, but no one could fit behind the dyer to attach it, except me!
I went behind there, detached the old one and put on the new one. Sounds easy. Right? no.
Me attaching the new one. |
Kara talking to making animal noises at me through the old tube. |
Mooing |
Me mooing back. |
Thats the space i slipped through |
Thats the space i sat in. Take note- one whole tile | is 12 by 12. |
Me squished. |
Still attaching. |
Notice how small i am now? |
All i charged for this project is $5 to go to a concert tonight at the state fair.
I saved them a whole bunch of money, and now the dyer works!
Wowzers! Sunday I will go to Overflow and you will be there! I hope you had fun at the concert. I'm surprised this post doesn't contain something about your dad and his wasp run-in.